Dominican Amber with Exceedingly Rare Mayfly

Fossil Amber

Insect Order Ephemeroptera, Familiy Leptophlebiidae

Geological Time: Oligocene-Miocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 17 mm long, 12 mm across, Inclusion: 3 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA5011

Price: Sold

Dominican Amber MayflyDescription: This amber piece displays a fine member of the Order Ephemeroptera or Mayflies. While most insects that rely on water as a home in the rainforest utilize the water contained within epiphytic plants such as bromeliads, the presence of mayflies is indicative of ponds and rivers in the amber forest. After living as aquatic nymphs for one to two years, they live as adults only for a few days, an ephemeral existence indeed. This one is betrayed as a female by virtue of a lack of the extended eye towers of the male. When you only have a few days as an adult, finding a member of the opposite sex to perpetuate the species is of paramount importance; any advantage would be a valuable trait.

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