Dominican Amber False Long-Horned Beetle

Fossil Amber

Insect Order Coleoptera, Family Cepheloidae

Geological Time: Oligocene-Miocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 23 mm long, 20 mm across, Inclusion: 2 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA4011

Price: $80.00 - sold

Description: This amber piece displays a fine member of the Coleoptera, or beetles. There are more species of beetles than there are of any other insect, a fact that led J.S.B. Haldane to say that the creator had an inordinate fondness for beetles. This one is a member of the Cepheloidae, or False Long-Horned Beetles. While the morphology is similar to that of the long-horned beetles, ther antennae are markedly shorter. Little is known of their habits; modern-day examples are collected on flowers or foliage.

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