Rare Isopod in Dominican Amber

Fossil Amber

Crustacea, Isopoda

Diptera, Mycetophilidae

Geological Time: Oligocene-Miocene

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Amber: 15 mm long , 13 mm across , Inclusions: 3-4 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA55001

Price: Sold

Rare Isopod in Dominican AmberDescription: This plaque of amber displays a most uncommon inclusion, commonly called a Slater or Pillbug. Actually it is a member of the Crustacea known as an isopod. Isopods vary greatly in appearance and are common inhabitants of many environments. Slaters belong to the Crustacea of which most are marine dwellers and includes such groups as amphipods, beach hoppers, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, crayfish as well as isopods. Slaters are one of two groups of Crustacea that have become terrestrial: the Isopoda and the Amphipoda. Slaters are the most conspicuous and are easily recognized by their heavily armored, flattened bodies. They are rarely seen as amber inclusions, with this one readily visible within its amber tomb in association with a fungus gnat.

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